AOF News — Africa On Fire



Start of 2022 Newsletter



One of the most creative kid we have at the Center of Hope. With amazing art skills, we are so excited to see what the Lord has in store for him. Please keep him in your prayers as he is one of the special kids at the center. Before his mother passed away, he contracted HIV. Unfortunately, his viral load has substantially increased since his last check-in. We are doing all that we can to keep him healthy and we rest assured that God is in control of this situation.

Prayer points

  • Please pray for the end of terrorists attacks in Northern Mozambique.

  • Please pray for God's provision for the sewing school (more info to come).

  • Please pray for our self-sufficiency program as we replant to have a great abundant harvest.

  • Please pray for the Centre of Hope to remain under the blood of Jesus during these difficult times.

  • Please Pray for Felito and Anna for wisdom to lead this Ministry to reflect Christ in every way.

Church outreach

This past week, our church in Chibuto started an outreach specific for the elderly in our village. These widows have been abandoned even by their own family members. Sometimes this is a result of nearby witch doctors telling the family to abandon the elderly and other times it’s a result of the family having no means of transportation to reach the elderly.

They carry a lot of burdens from being older and having to have to care for every part of themselves. Sometimes they go without food because it is to painful to cook their own food. Other times, they are unable to sleep because their houses are falling apart and the animals, evil spirits, or weather keep them from falling asleep. The church went around and helped some of the elderly clean up their property, make food, and pray with them.

Please keep the elderly in your prayers as they struggle to complete even the simplest life tasks.

Harvest Time

God is opening the doors for us to become self-sufficient! This last month, we harvested over 600 pineapples and one of our corn fields. Many, many hours have been poured into these crops and we are finally getting some return for our labor. When we harvest the corn, we take everything on the field! The corn cobs to be turned into cornmeal and the husks and stalks to be used to feed our livestock (cattle, goats, and sheep!).

School Time

It's an exciting time for our kids, covid restrictions are no more, Schools are open to operate normally. Kids are returning to school next week and by the grace of God we got materials for this years school year for our kids, we are still in need of school 8 uniforms costing $30 a child let us know if you would like to help.

For donations, please contact us!

Northern Mozambique terrorist attacks
Please continue to pray for northern Mozambique. The terrorist are hitting back hard and we need God’s intervention. Thankfully, the joint forces from the Southern African countries and Rwandan Armies have been fighting seeing some progress, but it has not been easy.

Visitor Corner

This is Malaika Young. She will be helping us with English classes, social media, and ministry organization until April. Head over to our Facebook page to see some of her work!

Utuie Corner

They are doing well! The kids are very excited for the new year and have just restarted school. On the first day of school, Issachar had his arm cast removed after injuring himself on a Christmas bike ride with Felito. They are thankful to God for His unending blessings to their family.



AOF Vision


AOF Vision

During a season I attended a School of Ministry there were many questions in my heart for what I felt like God was calling me into. For example, how was I going to see what He had shown me come to pass? I realised that all I had to do was wait on Him, make myself available to Him and trust in His promises.

One morning while I was praying I had a vision. It began with a question the Lord asked me, He said, “Can you measure fire?” As I was trying to understand the meaning of the question, suddenly my eyes were opened and I saw a pot made with clay coming down from heaven and inside the pot there were big flames, huge flames of fire! I saw it coming down, falling on the ground and the fire in it spread very quickly. It spread to the North, West, and East and at the same time I saw the continent of Africa being covered by fire. The fire was coming from the South, and the Lord said to me in a gentle voice with so much passion “I am taking Africa!” I have heard Him speak before but this time it was very strong and He was so passionate, I felt love flowing from Him. As I was seeing all this He asked me a personal question, “Do you want to be a part of this, are you willing?” It was very strong, and it deeply touched my heart. So much so that I burst into tears. I didn’t know how to respond. I felt so unqualified, and I cried uncontrollably. I felt weak and His presence was so strongit felt like He was hugging me. I felt loved and strengthened. As I was experiencing this He said to me, “you are not alone, we will do this together, the Holy Spirit made me realise that God is not Looking for my ability but my availability, Then I answered the question He had asked me before and I said, “Yes! I want to be part of this!” (All my life I desire to say yes to Him!) He said to me that my job is to carry the fire to the main places in Africa and I will see this fire of His love, power and restoration spread all over. He said He would give me strategies on how to light this fire of love and restoration in these places. I was overwhelmed by His love and His presence. I cried.

Then I realised that He had put so much passion in my heart for the lost. I have a burning desire to see the lost coming home, from all over Africa and other places. What can I compare to this? It is so joyful to see even a Muslim being born again and the Lost find their way back Home (What a privilege)! It’s His joy that sustains us. That is why we go everywhere, both easy and difficult places and tell them what the King has done for them! To see Jesus reign as King and the Kingdom of God established!!!


God is not looking for your ability but your availability!





Prayer is the robe that sustains us while we are Ministering. Your prayer is of great importance. Withought prayer our Ministry is subject to many Attacks from the enemy. We want to challenge you as you read this today to be one of those who hold the other side of the robe and be a faithful intercessor who prays for us. Who engage in a battle with us, as we spread the fire and take new grounds for Jesus, Village by village, town by town, city by city and Nation by nation.


Prayer Needs

We at Africa on Fire ministries believe that Prayer is an extremely vital and necessary part to developing our relationship with GOD, and seeing HIS Kingdom here on Earth. You can always partner with us in Prayer. Currently our prayer needs are

1. To have more of the presence of GOD in our ministry and every day lives.

2. The building and completion of Center of Hope

3. To follow the leading, and guidance of the Holy Spirit

4. For peace for the Nation of Mozambique
