About Us — Africa On Fire

Africa On Fire


Africa On Fire

To Proclaim Christ and Demonstrate God’s love in a practical way to see the Kingdom established in Africa as it is in Heaven.

Africa On Fire was birthed out of a vision to see the continent of Africa consumed by the fire of God's Holy Spirit with the power to change every heart, village, city, and nation. Through demonstrations of God's love for his children, we will see Africa return to God.

We believe God is pursuing His people in Africa. He is passionate about taking Africa for His Kingdom, and is looking for hearts willing to accept His call and mission in Africa. He is asking, "Do you want to be part of this? Are you willing?" Our answer is "Yes!" and we invite you to join us. God is not looking for our ability, but our availability.

Our mission is to carry the fire throughout Africa, preaching the Gospel and spreading His love, power, and restoration in every place we go. Starting in Mozambique, we focus on supporting orphans and widows and reaching souls for Christ.

Read our Statement of Faith to learn more about what we believe.

Meet Our Founders

Meet Our Founders

Meet Felito and Anna Utuie, our Founders and Directors

Pastor Felito's motto is "that none should perish." It is his utmost passion in life to see every nation, tribe, and tongue come to know Jesus. This evangelistic fire drives him to reach out to the darkest, hardest, and most unreached areas and nations. Felito comes from a family of ministers and began preaching the Gospel himself at the age of 17. He received formal training at Catch the Fire School of Ministry in Toronto, IRIS Ministry in Mozambique, and South African Theological Seminary. During his time with IRIS Ministries, Felito served as the Outreach Director, being part of this great Ministry, he spearheaded an historic revival in the Northern Muslim provinces of Mozambique. This revival saw blind eyes opened, dear ears hearing, thousands of salvations, miraculous healing, deliverance to the oppressed, and the gift of freedom only Jesus can bring. He has ministered in many countries on 5 continents, has planted churches throughout Mozambique, Africa, and does two crusades a month. In everything he does, Felito is motivated by his passion to see people come to know Christ's love.

Anna loves being a mum, not only to her own children, but to those who have no mothers. Her heart is for children, and she is passionate about helping young mothers. Her desire is to create a safe, encouraging atmosphere for women and children to receive support. Originally from New Zealand, Anna served alongside Felito at IRIS Ministries before they were married and started Africa On Fire.

Felito and Anna met in 2004 while attending the Catch the Fire School of Ministry in Toronto, Canada. They were married in November 2006. Soon after, they started Africa On Fire Ministries and moved to South Africa, where they planted a church in one of the poorest townships in Johannesburg. In 2010, Felito and Anna moved Africa On Fire Ministries to Mozambique. The couple now has 3 children of their own and many that God has entrusted to them. Africa on Fire has now planted 46 Churches, and 1 Center of Hope for Kids.

Meet Our Team

Meet Our Team

Meet Our Team

We would not be able to do what we do in Mozambique without our incredible team of people. Our full-time staff in Mozambique includes:

Founders Apostle Felito and Anna Utuie


  • Vasco & Carola Canda, Lead Pastors
    Maputo, 1. de Maio Church

  • Pastor Apolinario & Hermenegida Cumbani Lead pastors

    Damanso church

  • Elias Nhantumbo, Lead Pastor,

    Chibuto Gaza.

  • Raquel Massango, Pastor Ndhlavela Church
    Maputo, Mozambique

  • Ernesta Waite, reagenal leader
    Zambezia, Mozambique

    South Africa

    Richard & Nosipho Luthuli, Lead Pastors

    United states of America

    7 Board Members Africa on fire Foundation inc

    Presided by David Zerisky

    New Zealand

    5 Board Members Africa on fire Charitable trust

    Presided by Ross Barber

Africa On Fire Ministries - Mozambique

Our Center of Hope local team


Africa On Fire Ministries is also frequently supported by short term teams sent out by missions organizations and churches from around the world. If you would like to send a short term team to Mozambique from your church or organization, you can learn more here.